We are all made of stars: matters of scale

cyanotype, screenprint, and photolithography on fabric, using microslides of body tissue and sky survey photographic negatives

I am interested in the crossovers between inward and outward explorations. Into the body and out to space. How similar the drive for understanding is! How similar in appearance the infinite and infinitesimally small! This artwork links medical and astronomical explorations using images from advancing technologies: negatives from outdated star-mapping equipment and images of microslides of my own body tissue were used to create the work. It supports the idea that as an emerging, open discipline, art and science can evoke a sense of the human experience and awe linked to evolving understandings in science.

In August 2017 I spent two weeks on a residency in Italy run by Lumen art collective, focused on light and astronomy. A group of 20 international artists lived and shared living and work space in a village asilo, a disused nunnery, in the small hilltop town of Atina, 150 miles southeast of Rome. Ideas I began onsite were later developed into finished pieces in London, and variations of the work were exhibited as part of a Luman exhibition on location at a local church and the Crypt Gallery in Euston, London; and at The Royal Society as part of a TedX Whitehall event, ‘Changing Expectations in Art and Science’.