
Deleterious… My BRCA test results letter was my induction into the world of the “worried well”. I was not ill, but was suddenly living in the world of the infinitesimally small – my own DNA cast a shadow over everything I was and knew. But years have passed, and I’ve embraced the person I am now.

Deleterious is an arrangement of elements I collected or made during a particularly stressful time. The results letter I’d read a hundred times, eyes lingering (and hands stitching) over each word as I grappled with what having a harmful genetic mutation meant. (What it means.) A photograph @majadaniels took of me that couldn’t convey my new reality – then cut, woven, remade. Tiny, sweet images of my parents when they were younger, oblivious to the mutation that passes along family lines.

I feel lucky to have had writing and creativity to help me navigate that sometimes dark path. I was a patient, yes, and it was a difficult journey. But I was also an artist, and there were moments when I could wrap up my experience and hold it up to the sky. I would watch how the light hit and shaped its contours. How it passed through its interior. How everything would change depending on my perspective.


Reflecting on an image


Seeing into the soul of a woodland